Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Christmas Eve Blessing!

On the Wednesday before Christmas Eve I received a scare when at work I started cramping and presented with two other signs of pre-term labor. I have been very busy lately at work and decided to go ahead and complete a contract with one of my families and then call the doctor. I called my doctor's office around 4:45pm and they told me to go home right then and lay on my left side and drink lots of water and that they wanted to see me first thing in the morning. I called Ford and actually had him pick me up from work so I didn't have to make the trip to my car and went home and rested the rest of the evening (except for the multiple bathroom trips from being pregnant and drinking lots of water!) Ford and I went to the doctor at 9:30am and they put me on the monitor to check Lily's heartbeat and to check for contractions. The doctor said that the bottom part of my cervix was open some but that the top was still closed. The doctor said that she is also still far up therefore he was not concerened that I was in pre-term labor (Thank you Lord!!) I have started feeling my braxton hicks contractions already and that showed on the monitor. The doctor just told me that when I start to feel tight to sit down and relax especially at work and to just take it easy. I told Ford that it is scary the changes your body goes through when your pregnant that you don't understand! I am just thankful that everything was alright with Lily and now just have 10 weeks left! Thank you all for your continued support and prayers!


Chunky Lily!

Ford and I went to our appointment yesterday and received another ultrasound just to see how Lily is growing. She is a little chunk weighing in a 2lbs 7oz and is now measuring two days early so a due date of March 4th now. During the ultrasound they were unable to accuratly measure my fluid so they are sending me back to Dr. Gregg's office who is a specialist on Monday. Lily's heart rate measured at 132 which is normal and healthy and they were happy with how much she has grown. I will update everyone after our appointment on Monday thank you all once again for your continued support and prayers!