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Pregnancy News!

Well by now everyone that looks at my blog knows that Ford and I are expecting our first child!! It took us a while to get here and now that we are expecting we could not be more excited! We have had a few scares so far with the Gestational Sac not measuring with the baby "gummi" as Ford calls it because our last ultra-sound he said it looks like a gummi bear! We saw a specialist and he said that he thought everything looks great! We ask for continued prayers for a health pregnancy and birth! It is funny the different emotions that a woman goes through when she is pregnant and the way that every women is different. My friend Elizabeth is also expecting and she put on her blog that she can't eat a lot at one sitting and me I can't get enough food it seems like a "bottomless pit!" One thing that I can not get use to is how exhausted I am! I can go to sleep at 8:30pm and sleep until 7:00am and still be tired! I have had a great deal of nausea but thankfully nothing else! Ford has to put up with my mood swings especially my crying for no reason over a show I have watch at least four times! It is a blessing to be a part of this miracle we call life! It is the most unbelievable and fulfilling thing I have ever been a part of! We are so thankful that the Lord has blessed us with this gift! Thank you all for your love and continued prayers!