Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Eight Months Old!


Lily, you are such a precious and sweet baby! This is just a list of what you are doing now that you are eight months old!

  • You got your first tooth on Oct 3RD and it is one of you bottom ones.
  • You are on the move now! You have been up on your hands and knees for two weeks now and I have seen you pick up your left knee three times in an attempt to move it forward! You find ways to get around to what you want though! You scoot backwards, roll and occasionally you pull your self forward!
  • You are now eating fruits and so far have had apples and peaches and you love both. You still don't like carrots too well but are still eating peas, green beans, squash and sweet potatoes. You eat cereal and a vegetable in the morning and cereal and a fruit in the evening.
  • You are sleeping from around 9:00pm until 7:30am consistently and occasionally wake up if your teeth are bothering you but will put yourself back to sleep. You still don't like to go to bed or take naps at times but you have gotten better with both. We still have to let you cry it out sometimes!
  • You are talking or squealing all the time and say mama and dada throughout the day! You will sit with your monkey Mily and just talk to her the whole time!
  • You are still wearing some of your 3-6 month clothes but mostly wear the 6-9 months just because of length. You are now wearing a size 3 diapers and it is always Pampers with Huggies wipes!
  • You still like to give people loving and pretend to eat their face while you smile and squeal!
  • You are very ticklish especially under your left arm and your tummy!
  • You have started to fake cough because you realize you get attention and when we look at you there is nothing but a big smile on your face.
  • You laugh out loud all the time and get so excited especially when you try to "fly".

Lily, you are such a special little baby and a blessing to your mama and daddy who love you very, very much!


Lily Seven Months!

Lily is such a great baby and she has the sweetest little personality! She has been up on her knees rocking back and forth the past week and it shouldn't be long before she starts crawling. She is basically sitting up on her own now but can't stay there a long, long time yet! She still has not gotten any teeth and she is getting ready to start fruit today! I have given her all vegetables so far since our pediatrician suggested that. She likes: Green beans, peas, squash and sweet potatoes however she does not like the carrots too good. Lily said her first word back in August and it was DaDa and she has said MaMa but she doesn't say either one consistently or when prompted yet. It is so hard to keep everyone updated on everything since I work M-F from 8:30-5:00 or 6:00 some nights. After work I just want to spend as much time with Lily as I can so updating things become second. Fall is here and it is mine and Ford's favorite season and I will be dressing Lily up as a butterfly this year for Halloween courtesy of Grammie and Papa! So excited to go through this holiday season with my beautiful family!


Lily Six Months!!

It is so hard to believe that Lily was six months old on the 18th! She is such a great baby she only fusses when she is hungry, tired or when her gums are hurting her. She has been teething for a while now but has yet to get any teeth! We took her to the doctor on the 20th for her six month checkup and shots and her are her stats: Weight-15lb 6oz/40%, Height-25 inches/ 24%, Head Circumference- 44.1cm/ 89% and she is still wearing 3-6 month clothes. She has reached all of her developmental mile stones and she is doing so well! She is such a happy baby and a true blessing to Ford and me. We took her yesterday to get her six month pictures and got naked shots and she did so well. She was like a little model just posing for the photographer! She is now eating cereal along with some baby food. Our pediatrician recommended we start with the green veg tables so we started with green beans and now she is eating green peas. She is so funny trying to feed her she keeps her tongue moving so most of it ends up on her. She just has the most precious personality and loves to be tickled and she loves books! Keep watching naked pics to come it is just difficult since we don't have our computer so I am much slower on things lately!


Lily Four Months Old!

We went on the 18th for Lily's four month visit and she is now up to 12lbs 5oz and 24 1/4 inches long. That night was a night of firsts it was the first time she had rice cereal and it was the first night she slept in her crib. Lily is teething and drools so much from teething and blowing bubbles that she goes through a bib every hour. She has rolled over to the left many times and has rolled over to the right three times as well as from her back to her stomach a few times. She is so observant and loves to stand with mommy and daddy. Her personality is coming through and she smiles a lot, laughs out loud, coos and she will try to sing back to me when I sing to her. Ford and I are so blessed to have such a happy child and we love her so very much!

First night in her crib!

Just chillin :)

Daddy's girl!


The Lord Answers Prayers!

Praise the Lord! We got the cat scan results back and Lily does not have to have any kind of surgery or helmet! It turns out the place on her head is just going to heal itself and she doesn't need anything! She did get put on medicine for acid reflux because she has not been eating too well and they think it may be due to acid reflux. I just pray she starts eating better and we can get her all fixed! I go back to work on Monday so it is certainly going to be an adjustment for me! Until Ford finds a job he is going to be keeping her so I am thankful for that especially since she has not been eating well. We are just so thankful that she does not need a helmet or surgery and just praise the Lord for it!


Update on Lily!

Well we went last Thursday to the neurosurgeon and he sent us yesterday for a cat scan of Lily's head. He said that one part of her skull is higher than the other and that is the reason for the ridge in her head. He said that if it has fused together any than she will either need a helmet or worst case would be she would need surgery. We pray that it is not fused but if it is we pray that it can be fixed with a helmet. Some insurance company's will not pay for the helmets so we would have to do a fundraiser to try to raise the money because a helmet is around $2000.00. We had to take her to the doctor today because she has not been eating too well and he said that she had thrush in the back of her throat. If she doesn't start eating by Thursday then we have to go back to him and he will look at the possibility of her having acid reflux. My poor baby is just going through it and we appreciate all the prayers. I told Ford the other day that the Lord must have something really good for Lily to do in her life because the devil is really been after her in the womb and now. Once again thank you for the support and the prayers I will keep you posted.


Lily at 2 Months!

We went last Friday for Lily's two month appointment. She is developing well and was up to 9lbs 13oz (30th percentile), and 23 inches (80th percentile). She has rolled over twice already but I don't think she really understood what she was doing because she hasn't repeated it for a couple of weeks. She is doing really well holding up her head and smiling more and more each day. She had to get her shots one in each thigh and then one that was given orally. It was so sad seeing her get her shots and it is one of the top three things I hate doing as a parent but must. The doctor was concerned about her head and is sending us to a neurosurgeon next Thursday to get x-rays done to make sure her head has not closed prematurely. We are praying that it is nothing and that if it is something that it can be fixed by Lily wearing a helmet and that she would not have to have surgery of any kind. We are trusting in the Lord and no matter what He has given me a peace about it. Thank you for all of you prayers and for your continued support I will keep you posted!


Easter Lily!

Here are a few pictures from Easter sorry about the last one it didn't turn the way I thought it would but I left it to show off her cute little Easter dress! Also, Lily is actually six weeks old today I miscalculated on Thursdays post!


Lily Six Weeks Old

Lily is six weeks old today! It is hard to believe how much she has grown. We went to the doctor on March 22nd and she weighed 8lb 6oz and was 21 1/2 inches long. She is now smiling and focusing on people when they talk to her. She rolled over for the first time this past Saturday and is now in size 1 diapers! It makes me sad how fast she is growing!

Lily at six weeks!

This picture below was taken when she was one month old!

Visit from Lily's Cousins

Lily was able to meet her cousins Rody and Anna Kate when Randy and Katie visited at the beginning of March. Anna Kate and Lily are just 17 days apart! We were also able to celebrate Rody's birthday early when they visited as well.

Mom and Dad with all three grandchildren!

Katie with Lily and Me with Anna Kate

First Bath Pictures

Here are some pictures of Lily's first bath she did not like it at all but now she seems to like them. She was 3 weeks old when her cord feel off and we were able to give her a bath!


She is Finally Here!

Lily Ann Rose Cole

Born: Feb. 18, 2010

Born at: 9:03pm

Weight 6lbs. 11oz and 19 inches


Happy Birthday Lily!

Well it was the day that we all have been waiting for and now she is finally here! Lily was born Thursday Feb. 18, 2010 at 9:03pm after over 15 hours of labor. Lily weighed in at 6lbs 11oz and 19 inches long. Here is how the story goes: Ford and I went in for our amnioscentisis at 9:00am on Wednesday morning and heard at noon that her lungs were mature and that she would be healthy if she came early. My OBGYN wanted me in his office at 2:00 to discuss what we were going to do and we discussed putting me in that night to start inducing my labor. So at 5:00pm Ford and I got to the hospital so they could start the process of inducing my labor. Wednesday night they started antibiotics because I tested positive for strep B and started the induction process with a cervidal. When I got to the hospital I was already 2cm dialated and 50% effaced so no matter what this little one was going to be early! Bright and early Thursday morning they started the pitocin to increase my contractions that I had been having throughout the night. My goal was to make it to 5cm before getting an epideral and I made it to 5cm and told Ford our code word "Mayday" and they gave the epideral. Lily is headstrong like her mama and was not wanting to move down and they said that if she didn't make progress they were going to do a C-section. Praise the Lord Lily moved down a little the next time they checked me and said that they would let me go vaginally but that I would probably be pushing for three hours. When they said that I had a little conversation with Lily and we decided we were going to get her out quicker that three hours! After an hour of pushing Lily made her apperance and was actually delivered by the nurse and didn't wait on the doctor. Like the whole pregnancy the delivery had it scarey moments when Lily came out not breathing because the cord had wrapped around her neck twice and they had to resucitate her with the bag. It was so scary and all we could do was pray and after a few minutes (it seemed like an hour) we heard her sweet little cry. The Lord saved my little girl and has just protected her throughout the whole pregnancy and in her delivery! She is such a sweet miracle and Ford and I are so blessed to be her parents.


Lily on the Way!

Well we went to the specialist yesterday and they were concerned because Lily's movements have decreased and it took about 15 minutes to see her move on the ultrasound. With that being said he is going to do an amniocentesis tomorrow to check her lung growth and if they are developed they will induce me this the end of this week. So just pray that her lungs are developed and that we will be able to get her here safely this week. He said we are at a critical time where we have to weight whether it is better for her to stay in or for her to come out. I am just ready for her to be here and safe! We will keep you all posted and thank you for your continued prayers and support!


36 weeks!

On Monday we went to the specialist for our 36 week checkup and everything is still looking good! At the 35 week checkup Lily was actually weight 6lb 15oz which was about a week and a half early! We discussed with the specialist when he thought he might take her since she was measuring big and came up with a plan! Praise the Lord my blood pressure has been really good and in fact yesterday it was 110/60 which was excellent! Since my blood pressure has been staying under control he is going to let me go longer than we originally thought. The plan is to check her measurements on Feb. 22nd and if she is measuring really big he will go ahead and do an amniocentesis to measure her lung develpment and if she is ready will induce me that week! If her measurments are good then he will let me go to 39 weeks which will be Feb. 27th and then induce probably on Monday March 1st. The ultimate goal of course is for her to come on her own so that I won't have to be induced so that is what we are praying for! Well I will try to keep everyone up to date as much as possible. Thank you once again for all of your prayers and support!


Lily in 4D!!

Well, where do I start to explain what all has happened since my last blog post? First I spent a few days in the hospital after my blood pressure shot up to 160/90 and they were testing me for eclampsia. Well praise the Lord I did not have eclampsia they just said that I had Gestational Hypertension and that eventually it would turn into eclampsia so they wanted to start monitoring me weekly. They also said that I have Gestational Diabetes which means that I have to prick my finger four times a day and I am taking a low dose of insulin by mouth in the morning and at night. With all that being said I am now seeing a specialist every Monday and my regular OB every Thursday until I deliver. I told Ford the other day that the Diabetes is very difficult and that if it wasn't for her then I probably wouldn't be so compliant. Lets just say if it wasn't for her I would have had a huge piece of my shower cake at work! I have cut out all sweets altogether and have only been eating sugarfree or no sugar added things. The doctors are more concerned about the hypertension and they say that as long as my blood pressure stays low then they will not take her early! The gestational diabetes could inhibit her lung growth if it gets out of hand so I want her to stay in as long as possible. They said they would not let me go past 39 weeks and if my blood pressure goes high they will take her right then. I will be 35 weeks this Saturday so the goal is to make it to at least 37 weeks so please pray that my blood pressure continues to be good. On a more positive note since we see the specialist every Monday we get an ultrasound now every week! This past Monday they turned on the 4D ultrasound and we were able to get a profile view. Now when looking at the picture below you are looking at her face with her left arm/hand up by her face. On Monday Lily was oblique and according to the ultrasound tech she looked like she was laying in a hammock however, today Lily was back head down so hopefully she will stay that way this time. Once again Ford and I appreciate your continued prayers and support. Please continue to pray that Ford will find a job as well.


Out with the Old in with the New!

Well it is hard to believe that it is already 2010, time really goes by quickly! This past year was a year full of blessings and sadness. The biggest blessing this year was to find out in June that Ford and I were expecting our first child. I also started a new job this year assisting in the opening of The Woodlands at Furman and that has been an experience. We have also had our share of difficult times this year with the loss of Ford's cousin Holly and Ford losing his job at the beginning of December. As we are getting ready for this new year I am appreciative of what the Lord has blessed us with. The Lord has been so faithful to Ford and me and he has always been there to pick us up when we were down. I am also thankful for having such a supportive husband who puts up with my crying spells and constant tiredness lately. Ford is so sweet to me and the best part of all is he doesn't judge me. I have learned recently that I have to quit trying to please everyone in my life and to just focus on pleasing the Lord, Ford and myself. Ford has always supported me and reassures me how proud he is of me which is always nice to hear. I am thankful to have a good support system in our family and know that Lily is fortunate in her grandparents and fortunate to have a great-grandparent. As this year ends I am setting goals for this next year beginning with growing closer to the Lord and being more aware of His voice. I am also excited about the journey of parenthood we are about to embark on and my goal is to be the type of mother the Lord wishes for me to be. I want to be a better person this year and teach that to Lily. Thank you all for your support and continued prayers as we continue our journey.