Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Lily at 2 Months!

We went last Friday for Lily's two month appointment. She is developing well and was up to 9lbs 13oz (30th percentile), and 23 inches (80th percentile). She has rolled over twice already but I don't think she really understood what she was doing because she hasn't repeated it for a couple of weeks. She is doing really well holding up her head and smiling more and more each day. She had to get her shots one in each thigh and then one that was given orally. It was so sad seeing her get her shots and it is one of the top three things I hate doing as a parent but must. The doctor was concerned about her head and is sending us to a neurosurgeon next Thursday to get x-rays done to make sure her head has not closed prematurely. We are praying that it is nothing and that if it is something that it can be fixed by Lily wearing a helmet and that she would not have to have surgery of any kind. We are trusting in the Lord and no matter what He has given me a peace about it. Thank you for all of you prayers and for your continued support I will keep you posted!

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