Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Happy Birthday Lily!

Well it was the day that we all have been waiting for and now she is finally here! Lily was born Thursday Feb. 18, 2010 at 9:03pm after over 15 hours of labor. Lily weighed in at 6lbs 11oz and 19 inches long. Here is how the story goes: Ford and I went in for our amnioscentisis at 9:00am on Wednesday morning and heard at noon that her lungs were mature and that she would be healthy if she came early. My OBGYN wanted me in his office at 2:00 to discuss what we were going to do and we discussed putting me in that night to start inducing my labor. So at 5:00pm Ford and I got to the hospital so they could start the process of inducing my labor. Wednesday night they started antibiotics because I tested positive for strep B and started the induction process with a cervidal. When I got to the hospital I was already 2cm dialated and 50% effaced so no matter what this little one was going to be early! Bright and early Thursday morning they started the pitocin to increase my contractions that I had been having throughout the night. My goal was to make it to 5cm before getting an epideral and I made it to 5cm and told Ford our code word "Mayday" and they gave the epideral. Lily is headstrong like her mama and was not wanting to move down and they said that if she didn't make progress they were going to do a C-section. Praise the Lord Lily moved down a little the next time they checked me and said that they would let me go vaginally but that I would probably be pushing for three hours. When they said that I had a little conversation with Lily and we decided we were going to get her out quicker that three hours! After an hour of pushing Lily made her apperance and was actually delivered by the nurse and didn't wait on the doctor. Like the whole pregnancy the delivery had it scarey moments when Lily came out not breathing because the cord had wrapped around her neck twice and they had to resucitate her with the bag. It was so scary and all we could do was pray and after a few minutes (it seemed like an hour) we heard her sweet little cry. The Lord saved my little girl and has just protected her throughout the whole pregnancy and in her delivery! She is such a sweet miracle and Ford and I are so blessed to be her parents.


Lily on the Way!

Well we went to the specialist yesterday and they were concerned because Lily's movements have decreased and it took about 15 minutes to see her move on the ultrasound. With that being said he is going to do an amniocentesis tomorrow to check her lung growth and if they are developed they will induce me this the end of this week. So just pray that her lungs are developed and that we will be able to get her here safely this week. He said we are at a critical time where we have to weight whether it is better for her to stay in or for her to come out. I am just ready for her to be here and safe! We will keep you all posted and thank you for your continued prayers and support!


36 weeks!

On Monday we went to the specialist for our 36 week checkup and everything is still looking good! At the 35 week checkup Lily was actually weight 6lb 15oz which was about a week and a half early! We discussed with the specialist when he thought he might take her since she was measuring big and came up with a plan! Praise the Lord my blood pressure has been really good and in fact yesterday it was 110/60 which was excellent! Since my blood pressure has been staying under control he is going to let me go longer than we originally thought. The plan is to check her measurements on Feb. 22nd and if she is measuring really big he will go ahead and do an amniocentesis to measure her lung develpment and if she is ready will induce me that week! If her measurments are good then he will let me go to 39 weeks which will be Feb. 27th and then induce probably on Monday March 1st. The ultimate goal of course is for her to come on her own so that I won't have to be induced so that is what we are praying for! Well I will try to keep everyone up to date as much as possible. Thank you once again for all of your prayers and support!