Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


36 weeks!

On Monday we went to the specialist for our 36 week checkup and everything is still looking good! At the 35 week checkup Lily was actually weight 6lb 15oz which was about a week and a half early! We discussed with the specialist when he thought he might take her since she was measuring big and came up with a plan! Praise the Lord my blood pressure has been really good and in fact yesterday it was 110/60 which was excellent! Since my blood pressure has been staying under control he is going to let me go longer than we originally thought. The plan is to check her measurements on Feb. 22nd and if she is measuring really big he will go ahead and do an amniocentesis to measure her lung develpment and if she is ready will induce me that week! If her measurments are good then he will let me go to 39 weeks which will be Feb. 27th and then induce probably on Monday March 1st. The ultimate goal of course is for her to come on her own so that I won't have to be induced so that is what we are praying for! Well I will try to keep everyone up to date as much as possible. Thank you once again for all of your prayers and support!

1 comment:

the slatten's said...

that is great news! i'm so glad things are going well! i've been thinking about you. i'm actually measuring a week behind (as of the last appt.) i go back on mon. for the 38 week check up and will let you know more then. sooo glad that all is going well. keep me udpated! the race is on!