Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Lily Six Months!!

It is so hard to believe that Lily was six months old on the 18th! She is such a great baby she only fusses when she is hungry, tired or when her gums are hurting her. She has been teething for a while now but has yet to get any teeth! We took her to the doctor on the 20th for her six month checkup and shots and her are her stats: Weight-15lb 6oz/40%, Height-25 inches/ 24%, Head Circumference- 44.1cm/ 89% and she is still wearing 3-6 month clothes. She has reached all of her developmental mile stones and she is doing so well! She is such a happy baby and a true blessing to Ford and me. We took her yesterday to get her six month pictures and got naked shots and she did so well. She was like a little model just posing for the photographer! She is now eating cereal along with some baby food. Our pediatrician recommended we start with the green veg tables so we started with green beans and now she is eating green peas. She is so funny trying to feed her she keeps her tongue moving so most of it ends up on her. She just has the most precious personality and loves to be tickled and she loves books! Keep watching naked pics to come it is just difficult since we don't have our computer so I am much slower on things lately!

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